What does passion look like? Here is the question that we started from to organize the Elgon Days Contest, the perfect opportunity to capture in a shot the emotions that every day animate the hairdressing profession.
"Are you a hairdresser? Do you love your job? Show it with a photo that represents the passion for what you do, transmitting in a shot the emotion that makes you feel proud of your professionalism!"
You ready to put yourself out there? From 10 May to 7 June 2018 just click on this link: to land on the dedicated platform where the user will find five groups - divided according to different geographical areas of the world- each of which is captained by an Elgon professional who will play the role of coach.
Once the group of belonging has been selected, free rein to creative inspiration: the participant can upload the photo that best represents - for example through a detail, a wide-angle or a portrait - the feeling that nourishes their professionalism, making it distinctive and special.
The ten most voted photos for each of the five groups will be evaluated by a jury of experts who will choose the five winners of the competition from the 50 finalists. The most talented hairdressers will fly to Milan to step on the stage of the Elgon Inspiring Days 2018 where they will have a leading role accompanied by their coaches, precious gurus of the whole route. The Elgon Inspiring Days represent an international occasion organized by the brand able to attract hundreds of hairdressers from all over the world. A spectacular show that brings the latest trends of the catwalks to your salon overturning the canonical standards of training, a unique moment of sharing among experienced professionals around the world. Arrived at the fourth edition, this year the event will be held in the Italian city of fashion and design, from September 30 to October 1. in an exclusive location: the East End Studios. A former industrial area in the East of Milan, a cutting-edge Events Point that today is among the most important and requested in the world of communication, fashion, design and entertainment.
In addition to all this, there will be many novelties (chic street food & Internarnational Party) and an energetic team ready to inspire your creativity and professionalism. All the elements needed to create a unique moment in which the formation and contamination of cultures and know-how turn into a global celebration.
That’s all? Not yet: returning to the contest, the top ten in the rankings of each group will win an exclusive kit of Elgon products, to be experimented with Elgon every day in their own salon.
We just have to wait until May 10 to get into the contest and accept the challenge.
And as they say on these occasions... may the best man win!