Elgon x La Forza e il Sorriso Onlus

When Beauty becomes inner strength
In today's world, there is a growing awareness that beauty is not just about aesthetics but also a reflection of how we feel inside. La Forza e il Sorriso Onlus is a tangible example of this: since 2007, it has been transforming beauty into a tool of empowerment for all women facing cancer. By organizing free beauty workshops across Italy, La Forza e il Sorriso focuses on women, helping them not only to rediscover their smile but also to regain their self-esteem and well-being in an atmosphere of sharing and serenity.
Each workshop is a journey of rebirth. The women who participate are not only welcomed but celebrated for their resilience and determination. Through the art of beauty, these women rediscover the pleasure of taking care of themselves, regaining confidence and self-esteem. It is a moment of sharing, lightheartedness, but above all, a rediscovery of their self-worth, which goes beyond physical appearance.
Starting in 2024, Elgon has become a partner of La Forza e il Sorriso, perfectly embodying this spirit with its motto "You Look Good." This is not just a simple slogan but a message of support and recognition of the individual beauty that each person possesses, regardless of circumstances. When a woman feels good about herself, it reflects in every aspect of her life.
Elgon's "You Look Good" is not just about outward appearance. It is a tribute to all women who, despite difficulties, recognize their own worth and surround themselves with positivity. It celebrates every small success: every time you take a step forward, no matter how small it may seem, celebrate it.
With the support of companies like Elgon – you can check out the supporters here – La Forza e il Sorriso can continue to offer these precious moments of well-being to women all over Italy, helping them to see and feel how beautiful they are, inside and out.
Every donation, every gesture of support, contributes to extending the impact of La Forza e il Sorriso throughout the country. Together, we can ensure that more and more women have access to these free workshops, where beauty becomes a powerful form of emotional healing.
We remind you that on September 28th and 29th, we will be in Milan at Palazzo Castiglioni for the Milano Beauty Week to share moments of beauty together. The proceeds from both days will be donated to La Forza e il Sorriso Onlus.