Interview with: Hotel Corallo di Riccione – Elgon Inspiring Days

September 20 and 21 are the days when the first edition of Elgon Inspiring Days will take place, an opportunity to meet and discuss the themes of style and training, themes dear to Elgon. The location for this occasion is Riccione, and we talked with Silvano Turci, General Manager of the Hotel Corallo****S, which will host the event.Elgon Inspiring Days Hotel Corallo
Hotel Corallo is a reference for Riccione, tell us about its history: "Hotel Corallo is a historic hotel of the city having been founded in 1929. This year we turn 86 years old and is more than ever an important landmark of Riccione hospitality also because of the continuous investments that the property performs for 25 years."
How did this hotel become part of your life? "For 25 years I have personally experienced the intense work of modernization that makes particularly intimate the relationship that binds me to the structure and its ownership."
What are the aspects that make customers fall in love with this hotel? "We have always tried to offer great services together with the warmth of the welcome, this aspect is very appreciated by the vast majority of our guests who see in the hotel Corallo a little 'their beach house, so much so that we made it our slogan."
Why has Riccione always lent itself to conventions and training events? "The hoteliers Riccionesi, about 30 years, had the intuition to enhance the territory by opening it beyond the normal summer season, investing a lot of economic and human resources, to reach the ambitious goal. Today we can safely say that the goal has been achieved but a daily commitment is needed to maintain the high standard of quality."
What does the 2015 summer season look like? "The forecast is for a positive summer season despite the serious crisis in the country where there will be room only for facilities that will be adapted to international standards."
What can not miss in the ideal weekend of your guests? "I have been working at the hotel for over 40 years and I must confess that many things have changed but what remains unchanged is the pleasure of welcoming guests; concretely everything is important in a stay but nothing can replace the sincere warmth of a greeting, a handshake and make yourself available to the personal needs of our guests."