Colour service in hot weather

Dyeing your hair during the warmer months could be a challenge, both for the professional and the customer. So, how is the service during the hot season?
There are those who for intolerance or personal choice, ask their hair salon trust a product without ammonia. Get the Color Dolce is the professional coloring without ammonia that offers all the advantages of classic coloring and at the same time meets the needs of those who demand a superior delicacy in respect of hair and skin. The extract of Echinacea content in fact ensures greater attention to the skin thanks to the healing, anti-infective and re-epithelivant properties. With 54 shades, Get the Color Dolce ensures flawless coverage without fading or downloading.Get the Color Dolce_10 MIN
For those who want a dye during the hot season that allows you to reduce the shutter speed because it has little time or because it is sensitive to the typical hassles of classic coloring, especially in this season, 10 MIN is the ideal solution. It guarantees a fast and effective service, because it reduces by 70% the time of realization of the service without sacrificing a perfect coverage with a palette of 31 shades. 10 MIN is ideal for those who want to enjoy the color service in lunch break and for professionals who want to increase the number of services offered throughout the day.