It’s known as the 50-50-50 rule, and it says that 50 percent of the population has 50 percent white hair at the age of 50. This is, according to dermatologists, the basic rule that revolves around the phenomenon of white hair.
Apart from this certainty, there are many mythological stories that are told about white hair that help us live with a pinch of anxiety this moment, but not all are true!
Let’s debunk some urban legends together:
The appearance of white hair is linked to aging
A little true/a little false.
White hair is the consequence of the lack of melanin, the pigment that colors the hair. It goes without saying that as the years go by, all people turn grey, some people do it before others.
The appearance of white hair is related to stress
Lifestyle definitely has a great influence on hair health: a healthy diet has positive effects on the skin and hair.
Extremely harmful is, as always, smoking that can cause the loss of both hair and their natural pigment.
And the most popular of all: ripping off a white hair makes another 3 sprout
The multiplication of white hair in the same follicle is a hoax.
But tearing the hair, white or of our original color, is still a practice not to be pursued as it can damage the roots.
While in the name of «hair positivity» and with the example of many celebs like Meghan Markle who appeared in all the newspapers a few months ago with a white hair, there are many women who declare war on dyes, comes the solution that puts everyone in agreement.
We talk about prevention and care: Elgon laboratories present GH-REVERSE, a line of two technologically innovative products that can delay the appearance of gray hair, intervening before they completely lose melanin inside the follicle.
The innovative formula is based on active ingredients allied in the battle to gray hair: GREYREVERSE, able to stimulate the production of melanin and decrease oxidative stress in the bulb, increasing the repigmentation of the hair; Redoxin 2.0, the complex based on hyaluronic acid biotech and plant keratin that aims to make the hair stronger, young and healthy; Panthenol that provides the hair hydration and protection for a long time.
Try to believe it!
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In the next blog post we will talk about Cosmoprof according to Elgon...