Elgon Elegance Women Edition: the trendy looks dedicated to braids!

Braids are one of this year's top trends; from the catwalks to street style, they are sported on many occasions: at the office, on evenings with friends, at university and even at the gym. Protagonists of the 2018 hair style, braids lend themselves to all types of hair.
In fact, this type of styling is suitable for expressing different types of personality:
For a romantic, old-fashioned woman, a soft braid may be suitable, perhaps embellished with a jewelled, shiny clasp.
Or to enhance the more rock and rebel soul, the ideal is a boxer-style braid, also called double braid, versatile and practical for a dynamic and sporty woman.
On the other hand, the more fashionable women will love the afro effect. The ‘cornrows’, the famous afro braids, adhering to the head are all the rage and have now become an increasingly cool and youthful styling style popular even among models.
Even Elgon, always attentive to the latest fashions, has identified this trend and reinterpreted it in the Elgon Elegance Women Edition collection, where it offers different braid styles to enhance women with very different styles.

The first styling suggested is the classic soft braid, left to fall over the shoulders. This is ideal if you have long or medium length hair and as it doesn't have to be perfect, you can leave a few strands free around your face to frame it better. Gather the hair softly at the bottom, while at the top the hair remains smooth and natural The result is really chic! To maintain the style of your hair, after shampooing, spray Elgon Green's Phytoelisir Imagea conditioner, which has an anti-frizz and anti-static effect, onto the lengths.

Not only romantic inspirations, the braid also suits a young, dynamic and informal style. ... in the Elgon Elegance Women Edition collection, the Girls on the Go mood dedicates a style proposal to the sporty-chic woman who casually wears a special high braid that intertwines at the top of the head, as if it were a crown.

Whether you have straight, wavy or curly hair, all you have to do is experiment with the hairdo suggested for all occasions and try your hand at creating your own. If you don't feel skilled enough, ask your hairdresser to do it for you.