Elgon Days Contest: here are the winners of the Elgon competition dedicated to hairdressers around the world

Giving free rein to creativity and competence, these artists of beauty have put themselves to the test by posting on a special platform an image representative of their daily lives. There are those who have chosen to express themselves through a hairstyle (in some cases real works of art), who stopped a few moments of life inside their salon. But out of 50 finalists, voted by the community of subscribers to the competition, only five have won the opportunity to participate in the Elgon Inspiring Days, the appointment that the brand organizes every year to meet professionals from around the world, dedicating training sessions and sharing among experts of international hair styling.
But who are the hairdressers who will fly to Milan to live this exciting experience?

Ekaterina: Her shot highlights a vision very similar to that of Elgon values and world. Her masterpiece is technically surprising. The choice to stand in a corner, finally, reminded us a lot of the practice of many painters to sign their own painting. A signature 2.0 if you will. A signature that makes you understand the pride for what has just been created. Ekaterina, now the stage rehearsal awaits you: will you be able to impose your signature there too?

Egle: in the first shot we talked about painting. This time it seemed to be in front of a real painting. It is not only the technical skill and the hand on the hair that surprised us. The hairstyle mixes and is enhanced in the context. Play of lights and shadows, shades and focal points. The clothes and expression of the model then are a touch of class. Egle, can you "paint" the perfect hairstyle even on stage at East end studios in Milan?

Ekaterina, Egle, Aleksandra, Dallan e Chung: quest’anno gli Elgon Inspiring Days si terranno nella città italiana simbolo della moda e del design internazionale, dal 30 settembre al 1 ottobre, all’interno di una location esclusiva: gli East End Studios. Una ex area industriale nella zona Est di Milano, un Events Point all’avanguardia che oggi è tra i più importanti e richiesti del mondo della comunicazione e dello spettacolo. Siete pronti ad essere fra i protagonisti e conquistare il primo premio?
Non resta che aspettare, il count down è già iniziato!