The turning point of green beauty has finally begun, with the big brands increasingly sensitive to the theme and careful in the choice of packaging materials.
Always the appeal of a cream, a mask for hair, a lipstick or a perfume is measured also and above all by its presentation and to pay the first price were the green cosmetics, from the packaging of recycled material, the less vivid colors and less attractive shapes.
Today it is no longer so, today green does not necessarily mean to give up the shape or make compromises with aesthetics. Today the environmental battle has reached the top floors of some of the giants of make up and personal care, which, while on the one hand they are moving to encourage a conscious use of packaging and packaging, on the other hand they pay attention to green packaging also in terms of "beauty".
As reported by The Guardian, according to TerraCycle, a company that studies some alternative recycling practices, the world cosmetics industry produces 120 billion packages every year, of which very few recyclable because they mainly consist of more than one material (see classic plastic palette with mirror, for example).
The road is still long but more and more beauty companies have aligned themselves with the green trend, committing themselves to the realization of a low environmental impact cosmetics favoring natural and organic ingredients in their formulations, but also an eco-sustainable packaging.
At Elgon, the sustainability of packaging (as primary and secondary packaging) and its compatibility with environmental objectives is a very important issue.
In this regard, let’s stop for a moment to clarify a concept: plastic is recyclable and can have a thousand lives!
A responsible choice, therefore, is to try to limit its use and to use bioplastics or recycled plastics. On the contrary, wood, which is often associated with natural products, is less sustainable and, therefore, as suggested by the Mother Science Disciplinary, should be used for non disposable materials.
Elgon wants to be concrete in his responsible choices.
For example, the packaging of the products of the IMAGEA line of Elgon Green but also some Elgon lines like the color care are in bioplastic derived from the waste of sugar cane (and thinks that this bioplastic, after, is still recyclable!).
Or again, the jars containing the masks have abandoned the under plastic cap, favoring an aluminum film, much more sustainable.
To learn more, visit our website, you will find all the green benefits of Elgon!
Don’t have a green line in your salon yet? Want to try IMAGEA products?
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As natural as possible, green inside and out